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To learn more about the carpool lane rules in California, feel free to visit the California DOT page on High Occupancy Vehicle Systems. In the southern part of the state, however, congestion periods are much longer-sometimes up to 11 hours per day-meaning full-time HOV lanes make a lot more sense. Thus, the part-time HOV lanes allow all lanes to be effectively utilized outside of the operational periods. Here in the northern part of the state, generally, we only see a lot of congestion during two peak travel times per day (during the morning and evening commutes). It’s important to make the distinction between Northern and Southern California. Southern California: Typically, HOV lanes are separated from regular lanes by a buffer and are in effect 24/7.The hours will be posted, and the lane may be used for regular traffic outside of those hours. Northern California: HOV lanes are usually only in operation on weekdays (Monday through Friday) during peak travel times, such as 6-10am and 3-7pm.Signs, as well as white diamonds painted on the pavement, identify HOV lanes.The HOV lane is typically found on the inside (left) of the highway.Tips for using High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes in Californiaīelow are a few things to keep in mind while using HOV, or carpool, lanes on California highways: Any vehicle with 2 or more occupants (some highways require 3 or more).Certain plug-in hybrid, alternative fuel, and clean-air vehicles (must have green or white decal issued by the California DMV).The following vehicles are allowed to use HOV lanes: You may also like: Top 5 Spotify playlists for your commute Who is allowed to use HOV lanes in California? The lane is designed to alleviate road congestion and maximize the rider capacity on California roads. In an effort to encourage carpooling and ridesharing, the state of California has incorporated High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes on a number of highways.

Here in California, it’s safe to say we have a plethora of vehicles out on the road.