Scaling with higher resolutions is also a thing now, so no more tinychum :"3
For guides on the use of the Quirks system, the Help, Client and Profile menus please go to the official Pesterchum thread.Seems stable enough even though this has about 2k lines changed, plus the exception hook overwrite should make Pesterchum less crash-happy either way. You can also add them to your chumroll! Inviting people to your memo: You can link to a memo by simply typing “#nameofmemo” in any conversation or memo window. Alternatively, you could join with Kiwi Irc, but it won’t really look or function like pesterchum in the slightest, so I’d recommend against it.
To join on mobile (Android only) you can download this edited version of chumDroid. To join on pc you’ll need to download this version of Pesterchum. The last official version of the program is 3.41, and after the original developer dropped support in 2021, the fan community picked it up and began hosting fanservers. Pesterchum is an Instant Messaging client copying the look and feel of clients from Andrew Hussie’s webcomic Homestuck. Android: Click here to download Chumdroid, a 2013 Pesterchum port for Android, updated in 2021 (though still buggy) to work with the new server. Linux: Click here to download Pesterchum, choose one of the Linu圆4 builds, then install. Mac: Click here to download Pesterchum, find the Mac build, then install. After a mysterious incident in which he is theorized by Aranea to have overexerted his psychics powers, he sustained brain damage which altered his personality and behavior. Mituna Captor is the Heir of Doom and Sollux’s dancestor. Nepeta carries many traits which are both stereotypically and genuinely linked to autism, such as doodling a cat avatar next to her Pesterchum messages, biting her hat in frustration (stimming), living in social isolation, adoring cats altogether, having a “special interest” in her shipping wall, and generally being …

The narrator vaguely states the fate of the twelve main trolls….Vast Error: Act 1. Is vast error still updating?Īrcjec and Taz bickers once again and this time, it’s about their past. Vast Error is still ongoing, and is currently on Act 3, Act1. Pesterchum has a ChumRoll for storing a user’s friend list and a trollSlum that blocks listed users from contacting them. Users are called “chums” and chatting is referred to as “pestering”. Pesterchum is the client of choice for the kids, with the exception of Jane Crocker, who uses BettyBother. Linux: Click here to download Pesterchum, choose one of the Linu圆4 builds, then install.Mac: Click here to download Pesterchum, find the Mac build, then install.Windows: Click here to download Pesterchum, then install.SEARCH FOR YOUR TARGET IN THE SEARCH BOX.TAP THE PEOPLE ICON IN THE UPPER RIGHT CORNER THIS WILL BEING UP THE USER LIST.CLICK #PESTERCHUM (OTHER MEMOS YOU ARE A PART OF WILL ALSO SHOW UP HERE).